Rabbi Leah Richman


About the Title

When I first saw the movie “Like Water for Chocolate,” I wasn’t sure what the phrase meant. In my mind, being like “water for chocolate” means that you want chocolate so badly that you want it as if it were a necessity like water. It is something akin to a thirst or desire. So when I thought of the phrase “Like Water for Torah,” it evoked in me the feeling of passion for Torah learning. According to my research recently, the phrase is actually based on a Spanish saying. The saying can be interpreted in two ways. One way refers to a person being like boiling water which is ready to receive cocoa to make hot chocolate. This explanation is similar to my original interpretation because it is suggestive of being ready in an excited way to receive richness (of chocolate, or in this case, Torah). Another use of this phrase in Spanish speaking countries is to describe someone who is angry. Whether the teachings of our tradition make me feel love for the Torah-- or sometimes make me angry-- the teachings always leaving me wanting to learn more. It is my hope to pass on this passion to you.


How car birth sparked charity marathon for Israeli mom


Nazi Name-Calling


God Bless Israel


Why do we all keep saying the traditional Rosh Hashana simanim blessings?


God Detests Polarization


Bless this year


Esther: The Original Queens Gambit

Purim is Coming!


A Plea for Civility on #InternationalArtistsDay

A Prayer for Coronavirus Pandemic

Empowering and Disturbing- Shakira and Jennifer Lopez Superbowl Half Time Show 2020

 G-d's treasure chest

Using Passover to Avoid Arrogance


Why do We Need Synagogues if G-d is Everywhere?

Who Are You to Play God?


Do Jews Believe in Satan?


How an anti-Semitic Instagrammer made me break my silence.


"Instructions for life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." - Mary Oliver


How a Dishwasher at a Miami Hotel Became My Hero


Four Lessons to learn from the world_record_egg

iPray iDaven iRobot


Sexual Objectification of Women in Shtisel / Portrayal of Haredi Community


 How Orthodox Judaism and High Fashion are Finding Common Ground

Gratitude Challenge


Parashat Shemot: Dreams and Miracles

 Parashat Vayeshev- Born-Again Jews



Thanksgiving Fires and Israeli Flowers


Parashat Vayetze: Good Vibes


Parashat Breishit: Orthodox Rabbis Quoting Steven Hawking?

Parashat Massei: G-d as GPS


Shavuot: Our Own Inner Torah

Parashat Emor: Why Jewish Guilt Is Not Very Jewish At All


Learning Our Life's Purpose: Parashat Tazria


Yom HaShoah and Parashat Shemini: Are we human or are we animal?


Parashat Toldot: Who are you to play G-d?


Parashat Vayera: The Messiah’s roots in illicit sexual relationships


Parashat Pinchas: Leading People One at a Time

Parashat Balak: Choosing to Believe

Parashat Chukat: Holy and Broken

Parashat Pinchas: Leading People One at a Time

How Parashat Korach is a Lesson in Civil Discourse

Shavuot: Forging our own path, like Naomi

Parashat Tazria, Brit Milah, and Yom Hazikaron/ Yom Ha'atzmaut

The Sound of Silence: Parashat Acharei Mot and Yom HaShoah

How parashat mishpatim led me to learn more about sex-trafficking than I ever wanted to know

Parashat Yitro - Many Voices/ One G-d

Parashat Bo - The Plague of Darkness

Issues in Teshuvah- Telling Others of our Sins

Shrouded in Mystery: Counting the Omer and Lag B'Omer

Parashat Mishpatim - "Mother Torah"

Parashat Va'eirah, Being the best "you", and the Enneagram

Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Eliezer, Succot, and the Enneagram

How do we find a connection to Gd?

The Kotel

Parashat Kedoshim: The Art of Tochecha

Parashat Yitro: Miracles, Big and Small

Parashat Beshalach: The power of belief; the importance of narrative

Prayer and the massacre in Har Nof

 Parashat Vayishlach

The Glass Ceiling of Happiness

Parashat Balak: Rise up like a lioness!

Parashat Tetzaveh

Balancing those scales before Rosh Hashana

Letting your freak flag fly


Is it minhag or halacha to refrain from shaving during the three weeks?

From darkness to light

Parashat Chukat: There's nothing more whole than a broken heart

Parashat Korach: Know before whom you stand

Fighting the good fight- Parashat Shelach L'cha

Since when do the sages use bathroom humor?

Shavuot and the Power of Silence

Have a sense of humor for God's sake!

"There but for the grace of God go I"

On this week's parasha, Emor, Midrash Rabbah comments on why certain animals are permitted as sacrifices and others are not.

This week's Torah portion, Kedoshim, says, "And when you come into the land, then you shall plant all manner of trees for food . . . ". (Lev. XIX, 23). Vayikra Rabbah comments on the mitzvah of planting:

Did God create Adam intersex?

The laws of counting the omer must have been written by men!

"Rabbi, you look like a doctor!"

Covering a multitude of sins

Where dreams come true (and I don't mean at the Disney parks!)

"There is nothing more whole than a broken heart." -- Hassidic saying

Parashat Ki- Tisa: A gift from Mouth to Mouth

Parashat Tetzaveh

Do the Black Eyed Peas know what "Mazal Tov" means?

Parashat Mishpatim


  Rabbi Leah Richman
I'm a rabbi and mother of two teenage daughters living the vegetarian Jewish life in Boca Raton, FL and Hashmonaim, Israel. I hope to inspire you to faith, both in God and in yourself, and promise to provide some laughter along the way. I'm available for spiritual direction; please contact me directly for more information.


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